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Your journey to physical health starts here. Why all the lifestyle-related diseases?

It would be difficult to doubt the stellar contributions of science and technology in advancing our knowledge and understanding in the treatment of diseases—some modern and some not so modern. However, I believe science and technology have played their part in the epidemic of diseases we see in our world today. For instance, genetically modified foods and synthetic chemical fertilizers, herbicides, and pesticides are creating a toxic burden on our bodies.

In addition, research1,2,3,4,5 has shown that the use of technology is linked to obesity, cancer, stress, depression, sleep disturbances, and eye problems. Also, we know that scientific advancements have made it possible for people to live longer with diseases, but not necessarily healthier because many of the drugs taken for illnesses cause side effects that turn out to be worse than the original problem.

Still, many people have a false sense of security in the capabilities of science and technology to cure diseases, which unfortunately, has led to a mindset of “I can eat whatever I want and if I get sick, I will just take a pill for whatever ails me.” This way of thinking has made many people very irresponsible with regard to their health, and have led to the adoption of some very unhealthy eating and lifestyle habits that facilitate all kinds of diseases.

Along with that, there are so many fast food restaurants around us serving cakes, pies, deep fried foods, burgers with highly processed meats, pizzas made with imitation cheeses, and the myriad of food commercials 6,7 that send the message that it’s no longer practical or convenient to eat a wholesome homemade meal. At one time, I also found myself being seduced and lured to eat anywhere but home, all for the sake of “convenience,” and I paid a heavy price for over two years. These and other factors such as food addictions, which I will address later in another post are effectively shaping our choices when it comes to the food we eat.

I wrote my health and nutrition book Back to basics: Timeless nutrition and wellness principles for optimal health (coming soon) during a time of tremendous personal pain and loss, which I addressed in my book A Diamond out of the rough: Uncover the treasure in you now on Amazon. But my desire was to educate people about the importance of going back to those timeless and basic principles of eating more naturally. In addition, I am passionate about healthy living and nutrition, and I am also deeply concerned about the state of health of so many people today. There is an epidemic of cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) in the world, which the World Health Organization 8 (WHO) describes as “disorders of the heart and blood vessels, and includes coronary heart disease (heart attacks), cerebrovascular disease (stroke), raised blood pressure (hypertension), peripheral artery disease, rheumatic heart disease, congenital heart disease and heart failure.” It estimates that every year about 17.5 million people worldwide die of CVDs, and 80% of those deaths are from strokes and heart attacks.9 WHO also lists the main causes of CVDs as lack of exercise or a sedentary lifestyle, poor eating habits, tobacco and alcohol use. Rates of cancer, diabetes, obesity, and digestive problems continue to rise.

Many of these modern or lifestyle related diseases continue to ravish the bodies of people because they have abandoned their foundation for proper nutrition, health, and wellness. A foundation that was built with an abundance of fresh vegetables and fruits grown without chemical fertilizers, pesticides, or herbicides. It included eating meat and dairy from grass fed, free range or naturally raised animals; getting plenty of clean, fresh air; drinking enough clean water and getting adequate sunlight, and exercise. It amazes me that some people would rather spend time circling a block over and over in traffic to get a parking space right in front of the place where they are going just to avoid walking or getting some sun on them, or they would rather take the elevator one flight up or down just to avoid walking.

You can no longer afford to abandon the wisdom about eating right or using natural herbs and spices to treat a variety of ailments, because you may find yourself in a long line at the pharmacy, waiting to pay a high price10 for the synthetic drugs and “cocktails” that you’ll probably be taking for the rest of your life. These drugs often have side effects worse than the disorder you are taking it for. The time has come for you to resist the pressures placed upon you to eat fast, chemically processed, antibiotic treated, hormone laden, hydrogenated, refined and sugary foods on a daily basis.

Whenever I go to the grocery stores, I cannot help to look at the food items in the shopping carts or on the check out counter that people are buying and this is exactly what I see: high-calorie foods with unhealthy fats, sugary cereals, refined white rice, bread, cakes, and pastries. I also observe large quantities of sodas/soft drinks, so called healthy “milk” beverages, candies, processed cheeses and snacks, and other foods with little to no nutritive value. To escape the onslaught of debilitating illnesses that are so prevalent around us, it’s imperative that you educate or re-educate yourself about eating more naturally; put into practice the basic principles of good nutrition, and return to your foundation of eating what your Maker intended for you to eat in order to be and stay healthy.

In a series of up coming posts, I will address some nutrition and lifestyle-related diseases that confront us today, but there are so many that to try and address them all would be difficult. So, what I will attempt to do is address some of the more prevalent ones of major concern to most people. My hope, therefore, is that you will find within these posts clear, easy to understand nutritional principles that will bring you tangible results when practiced.

I know that life can be extremely hostile to the emotions, mind, and body, and my prayer is that you will find the inspiration and wisdom to take action in order to turn whatever health or emotional crisis you are currently facing into one of triumph, not only for you but for those around you. After all, we don’t go through what we go through mainly for us, but it’s so that we can give to others the same wisdom, encouragement, and hope which we have received in order to help them recover also. May you be enlightened and empowered as you read so that you can enjoy radiant health and fulfill your God-given purpose.


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